Thais Di Marco © Anna van Kooij
Thais Di Marco © Val Lima
Thais Di Marco © Val Lima
28 september t/m 24 oktober 2021
body escalation neoliberal policies

What is left of artist bodies after 10 years of intense escalation of neoliberal policies?

Thais Di Marco invites 3 performers to research potential relations between the body and the art market. The research aims to examine what is left of the artists after 10 years of intense escalation of neoliberal policies which coordinate what can/should/must be shown and produced in the arts as well as the brutal loss of artists's agency over immaterial belongings of all peoples and Planet Earth. 

Is there something left?
Is there something still possible to be performed that is not self-promotion?
Is it still art after the marketing apocalypse that hit the planet?
What is the place of artistic speech in the post-truth era?
Are there still artists or were they eaten by alt-right politicians masquerading as curators?

Experimenting with dances inspired by the movement of cephalopods, we are going to try running our brains in a different way to try avoiding the mind-set of careerism, industry of fame, hunger and desperation. We will check what happens to our voices when we are not suffocated by anthropocentrism, humanism and eurocentrism. The performers will work towards the embodiment of  3 prototypes: 1. "human sacrifice for the art market" 2. "the fraude"  3."the dreamer"

About Thais Di Marco

Thais Di Marco Shared her research in different contexts such as Ocupa Ovidor, the biggest cultural squat of the Americas, in the festival Les Echos de Lobozunkpá in West Africa and at the space Bongah in Iran, on gender issues. Currently works with her partners to either reform, or destroy the art market as a totem of neoliberalism, corruption, cosmological violence and white supremacy.

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